“Surely Some Revelation Is At Hand”
Alex Sandvoss

Opening First Thursday January 4, 2024, 5-9 pm, with artist in attendance
Show runs January 4 - February 23, 2024
Thursday - Saturday, 11am - 4pm
114 Third Ave. S., Seattle WA 98104

Featured Image:Death For the Dow”, Oil on canvas, 9”x12”, 2020

Alex Sandvoss

Artist’s Statement:
It is time to demand an overhaul and design a system and economy that is fair to everyone, not just the privileged few. How can we say we live in a democracy when so many decisions are made and executed by the ruling class, often without the knowledge or consent of society? The system we live in makes the rich richer and keeps the rest of society in the dark, accepting poor working conditions and job insecurity. There is no more class mobility, and there is a growing two-tiered reality with a gradual dissipation of the middle class.

Neoliberalism is the ideology that shapes the world we live in. It thrives because many people do not know it exists or understand it, which is part of the insidious nature of neoliberalism. It keeps people distracted and unaware, so the most power remains unchallenged in corporate hands and the dynastically wealthy. As the wealthy become wealthier, the poorest people in the world suffer the most. We are currently on the precipice of a brutal future caused by this system that will be devastating to human lives if we do not make changes now.

Climate change is inevitable. We are past the tipping points we were warned about. As Greta Thunberg said, “We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis[.]” It is time to realize that we, the average people, outnumber the oligarchs who hold the future of human survival in their hands. The wealthiest 10% of people in the world are responsible for 50% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is time that the wealthy pay their fair share so that we can begin to mitigate the situation and prevent it from getting much worse. It is time for people to collectivize and use our power in numbers to demand accountability of the wealthiest and most powerful people to pay their taxes and compensate their workers fairly. It is time to evaluate our own consumption and the greater costs involved. A neoliberal farce about climate change is that we must fight it individually, but in reality, we must come together. And we must do so urgently. The sixth mass extinction, the Anthropocene, is playing out right before our eyes, and we are overworked and underpaid, exhausted and distracted, emotionally depleted and confused. It is time to hold accountable those who are responsible for emboldening a system that is racist, sexist, classist and destroying the planet. It is time to demand an overhaul and design a system and economy that is fair to everyone.

While emerging Canadian artist Alex Sandvoss' work has recently been shown in group shows at Roq La Rue Columbia City Gallery, and CoCA (a 2023 Members’ Show favorite), her first solo show in the U.S. clarifies her range and interest in two parallel histories: the Dutch Golden Age and the hyper-commodification made possible by Amazon. Sandvoss is an artist a few months ahead of her time, as a number of the paintings with Barbie as Madonna with Baby Jesus were painted prior to Barbie the movie. These Barbie paintings are presented in cooperation with Roq La Rue.

The large canvases portraying Trump and the Supreme Court ("Hapless Toad") and Jeff Bezos ("Jeff Bezos with the Green New Deal") channel famous works by Rembrandt. Writing for The Stranger earlier this year, Charles Mudede recognized that "the artist made a profound connection between Dutch capitalism and one of the masters of 21st-century capitalism" in her painting "Jeff Bezos and the Green New Deal." That painting, surrounded and deepened by Sandvoss' other, equally impressive paintings, introduces Seattle to an emerging, self-taught artist that CoCA is proud to present.